Potential occupational standard
Occupational standard in development
Approved occupational standard
Occupational standard without apprenticeship
Custom occupational card
Higher Technical Qualification
T Level
Technical Qualification
Career starter apprenticeship
Royal apprenticeship
Occupational progression
Technical education progression
Mid green occupation
Dark green occupation
Favourite occupation
home Protective services
Police community support officer

Police community support officer

Protective services

Level 4 - Higher Technical Occupation

Working as part of a neighbourhood policing team to help deal with and prevent crime.

Reference: OCC0509

Status: assignment_turned_inApproved occupation

Average (median) salary: £29,918 per year

SOC 2020 code: 6311 Police community support officers

SOC 2020 sub unit groups:

  • 6311/00 Police community support officers

Technical Education Products


Police community support officer

(Level 4)

Approved for delivery

Employers involved in creating the standard:

British Transport Police, Hampshire, Merseyside, MPS, Norfolk, Northumbria, Staffordshire, TVP, West Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Northants


The police staff role (as opposed to holding any official office e.g. Police Constable) of Police Community Support Officer constitutes a fundamental component of the national strategy for community policing across UK, and PCSOs are highly-valued public-facing members of the service. Wearing a distinct uniform from that of their regular PC colleagues, PCSOs are typically issued with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including a stab vest, high visibility jacket and police radio. PCSOs are community-based. Their primary function is to be the visible and uniformed presence of the service in the community, fostering and promoting relationships (especially community cohesion and the principles underpinning diversity and inclusivity) across communities. They will be expected to support communities to address issues, problems and concerns which may or may not necessarily be crime- or incident-related (e.g. a badly lit pathway in a housing estate making elderly residents feel vulnerable, or youths gathering in residential areas at night etc.). Whilst working under the overall direction of their line managers and PC colleagues, PCSOs are expected to act independently and autonomously when in the community; they are bestowed with PCSO-specific powers to enable them to perform their duties. Chief Officers can designate other additional powers according to individual force needs. (These additional powers do not form part of this apprenticeship, but are likely to represent an option for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) after the apprentice has been confirmed in post.) There to support and communicate with individuals, groups and organisations across the community, a PCSO will typically operate alone in distinct physical community areas, regularly attend community and neighbourhood meetings, undertake liaison with schools and general intra-community partnership working. PCSOs will be expected to gather information and intelligence from the community, the relevance of which to ongoing and future policing investigations and/or priorities will be determined by their policing colleagues. They will also be expected to provide a means of two-way communication between the community and the service. As a member of the service actively engaged in the community, PCSOs may on occasions find themselves first at the scene of policing incidents (either by chance, or called upon). They would be expected to (within the range of their powers) take control of these incidents and contain them until relieved by a PC colleague. They may, on occasion, need to utilise conflict management techniques (not ‘hands on’ physical tactics) e.g. appropriate communication (to try and de-escalate a situation), providing any necessary first aid, keeping the public at a safe distance from an ongoing incident, or observing and reporting from a safe distance (dependent on dynamic risk assessment). Although their role is very distinct from that of their PC colleagues, a PCSO may also occasionally be called upon to assist in relation to policing incidents, but this will always be relative to the powers with which they are designated, and align to the underpinning training they have received e.g. house-to-house enquiries, community reassurance patrols (following incidents) and scene management (cordons).

Employers involved in creating the standard:

British Transport Police, Hampshire, Merseyside, MPS, Norfolk, Northumbria, Staffordshire, TVP, West Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Northants


Crime Prevention
Law And Order
Police Community Support Officer

Knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs)

K1: The ethics and values of the police service, including: duty of care, service delivery, employment practice, efficiency, effectiveness and value for money, the Code of Ethics, professional standards, and equality, diversity and human rights
K2: The composition and diversity of individuals, groups and neighbourhoods in their community and ways in which they may help to develop partnership working to address local community and policing issues, problems or concerns
K3: Appropriate methods and media for communicating with individuals, local and multi-agency partners across the community e.g. social media, face to face, neighbourhood meetings, email etc
K4: The principles of applying a preventative, evidence-based community policing approach to mitigate or solve community issues, problems or concerns
K5: The legal and organisational requirements related to managing conflict and acting in a way which is likely to defuse potential conflict situations, including applying tactical (non-physical) options in line with their powers, training and issued equipment
K6: The legal and organisational requirements (local policy) related to responding to incidents and performance of their PCSO duties relating to these responses, including enforcement activities such as e.g. issuing fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for anti-social behaviour, dog fouling and littering and any bylaws relating to their operational context e.g. railway related offences (British Transport Police)
K7: The factors that affect vulnerable people (e.g. those at risk from radicalisation or those experiencing mental ill health; the elderly; children and those who may be being coerced, victims and witnesses) and how this may impact on their need for support, including where they may be able to access that support e.g. local Prevent body
K8: The legal and organisational requirements relating to handling community and police information and intelligence

S1: Foster, promote and maintain channels of communication and develop close working relationships with key groups, multi-agency partners and individuals across the community
S2: Communicate effectively, in accordance with the varied needs of differing situations, individuals, groups and communities, including those who may be victims, witnesses and vulnerable people, supporting diversity and inclusivity through their communications
S3: Provide initial support to vulnerable people and assess their needs for further support, including providing advice on accessing that support
S4: Gather, handle and submit information and intelligence from a variety of sources to support law enforcement and to maximise policing effectiveness
S5: Work under the direction of their line managers and community-based Police Constables, contribute to developing, planning and implementing preventative and problem-solving policing approaches to local concerns and issues, including providing assistance to review, analyse and share the results of evidence-based initiatives
S6: Work alongside partner organisations or as part of a multi-disciplinary team to improve, mitigate and solve community problems, issues or concerns
S7: Provide an initial response to incidents (where necessary) in-line with legal and organisational requirements and the limits of their responsibilities, including appropriate planning (e.g. strategies for managing traffic flow), for responses based on analysis of all relevant information at hand
S8: Provide support for victims and witnesses at policing incidents, including advice to identify and access sources of additional support (or accessing sources on behalf of individuals) and post-incident help, and where appropriate, delivering any necessary follow-up assistance
S9: Apply appropriate conflict management tactics e.g. appropriate communication (not hands on physical techniques) where absolutely necessary and in-line with the powers bestowed on them, issued equipment (where applicable), the training they have received and organisational policy and procedure

B1: Being accountable and taking ownership for own role and responsibilities, whilst being effective and willing to take appropriate, justifiable risks
B2: Maintain the highest standards of professionalism and trustworthiness, making sure that values, moral codes and ethical standards are always upheld, including challenging others where their standards fall below those expected
B3: Understand and effectively manage own emotions in stressful situations, understanding motivations and underlying reasons for own behaviour and that of others. Value diversity and difference in approaches to work, thinking and background, and treat people with sensitivity, compassion and warmth
B4: Have an inquisitive and outward-looking nature, searching for new information to understand alternative sources of best practice and implement creative working methods. Committed to reflecting on how own role is undertaken, learning from success and mistakes, to continuously review and adapt approach
B5: Work effectively with colleagues and external partners, sharing skills, knowledge and insights as appropriate to lead to the best possible results
B6: Uphold the police services values in day-to-day activities, providing inspiration and clarity to colleagues and stakeholders. Consider how the wider organisation and others are impacted, and help others to deliver their objectives effectively

Occupational Progression

This occupational progression map shows technical occupations that have transferable knowledge and skills.

In this map, the focused occupation is highlighted in yellow. The arrows indicate where transferable knowledge and skills exist between two occupations. This map shows some of the strongest progression links between the focused occupation and other occupations.

It is anticipated that individuals would be required to undertake further learning or training to progress to and from occupations. To find out more about an occupation featured in the progression map, including the learning options available, click the occupation.

Progression decisions have been reached by comparing the knowledge and skills statements between occupational standards, combined with individualised learner movement data.

Technical Occupations

Levels 2-3

Higher Technical Occupations

Levels 4-5

Professional Occupations

Levels 6-7

Progression link into focused occupation.

Level 3

Progression link into focused occupation.

Level 3

Progression link into focused occupation.

Level 3

Progression link into focused occupation.

Level 3

This is the focused occupation.

Level 4

Progression link from focused occupation.

Level 4

Progression link from focused occupation.

Level 4

Progression link from focused occupation.

Level 4

Progression link from focused occupation.

Level 6

Care services

Health and science

Protective services