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home Protective services
Intelligence analyst

Intelligence analyst

Protective services

Level 4 - Higher Technical Occupation

Working alongside intelligence collection officers and other operational support roles to identify patterns and trends of the information and data they are handling.

Reference: OCC0516

Status: assignment_turned_inApproved occupation

Average (median) salary: £38,838 per year

SOC 2020 code: 2434 Business and related research professionals

SOC 2020 sub unit groups:

  • 2434/01 Intelligence analysts

Technical Education Products


Intelligence analyst

(Level 4)

Approved for delivery

Employers involved in creating the standard:

Border Force, Immigration Enforcement, HM Passport Office, HMRC, HM Prison and Probation Services, National Crime Agency, College of Policing, Thames Valley Police, West Midlands Police, Derbyshire Police, Dorset Police, Sussex Police, Leicestershire Police, NAVCIS, Royal Navy Combat Inteligence, Navy Training, Defence Intelligence, Army, Air Intelligence, Royal Marines Combat Intelligence, Cabinet Office, G4S, Environment Agency, Bank of England, Tiscali, TJX Europe, FCA, Westminster County Council, Royal Greenwich, Peterborough Council, Hackney Council, Northumbrian Water, Vanquis


An Intelligence Analyst will work in the following types of organisations: military, law enforcement, security, finance, commerce. The role involves working alongside intelligence collection officers and researchers, investigators, operational staff and other operational support roles such as business, data, risk or threat analysts to identify patterns and trends to make sense of the information and data they are handling. Their clients will include internal and external stakeholders, partners and customers. The main responsibilities of an Intelligence Analyst are to Receive intelligence material, keeping it safe and secure in line with current guidance and legislation Monitor events and intelligence reporting to identify items of interest that require further understanding Closely examine raw data, facts, statements, opinions and ideas from a wide range of sources, examples of this are; telephone data, flight manifests, surveillance records, human intelligence sources, information accessed from the internet. Intelligence Analysts pull these together, researching, evaluating and analysing the information to create intelligence Interpret the intelligence by determining its meaning and significance; identifying patterns and trends – this could relate to suspect individuals and groups, problem areas or discrepancies and gaps in knowledge - using a variety of structured analytical techniques in order to create an intelligence picture Produce verbal and written briefings and reports so an organisation can better understand the threats, harm and risks it is facing and allow senior decision makers to pull together informed judgements. This may be in relation to tax evasion, passport fraud, people smuggling, organised crime or military deployments Assist their organisation to prioritise and direct intelligence gathering activity and guide operational activity; continually re-evaluating data, updating reports and assessments to take into account any new information, intelligence, or data gaps Work for a single organisation or providing collaborative support across multiple business areas alongside staff at different levels in an organisation. This may range from providing a crime network chart to assist a criminal prosecution and attending court to provide evidence of how the associations were linked to providing high level briefings to senior managers to inform their prioritisation of work and activity. Intelligence Analysts can be office based or can travel on their own or with other staff with other staff out ‘in the field’. They will also attend meetings with internal and external clients and partners.

Employers involved in creating the standard:

Border Force, Immigration Enforcement, HM Passport Office, HMRC, HM Prison and Probation Services, National Crime Agency, College of Policing, Thames Valley Police, West Midlands Police, Derbyshire Police, Dorset Police, Sussex Police, Leicestershire Police, NAVCIS, Royal Navy Combat Inteligence, Navy Training, Defence Intelligence, Army, Air Intelligence, Royal Marines Combat Intelligence, Cabinet Office, G4S, Environment Agency, Bank of England, Tiscali, TJX Europe, FCA, Westminster County Council, Royal Greenwich, Peterborough Council, Hackney Council, Northumbrian Water, Vanquis

Typical job titles include:

crime analyst
financial crime analyst
fraud and audit analyst
fraud investigator
intelligence analyst
intelligence officer
intelligence researcher
operational performance analyst
operational support analyst
risk analyst
security analyst
security manager
threat analyst


Data Analysis
Data Collection
Data Handling
Intelligence Research
Public Services

Knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs)

K1: Legal and organisationally appropriate intelligence collection and storage methods, together with their limitations. This includes applying that knowledge to sensitive and classified materials and other openly accessible information.
K2: The implications for loss of sensitive material, remaining alert to the methods required to protect against physical and cyber security risks and what procedures to follow in the event of loss of such material?
K3: The processes involved in the collation and evaluation of organisationally relevant sources of information for use within intelligence products which will include learning to use specialist software systems.
K4: Organisationally relevant Intelligence Sources that are commonly used, such as Open Source, Imagery, Communications and Human
K5: The Intelligence Cycle, including all processes involved in direction, collection, processing and dissemination of intelligence.
K6: The main factors influencing their respective organisational/client environments, such as specific threats and key intelligence priorities, for example, tax evasion, passport fraud, people smuggling, organised criminality.
K7: The benefit of generating or using intelligence combined from a number of sources as opposed to a single source, considering how validity and credibility can be affected depending on the type used.
K8: How to use analytical development techniques to identify and produce key findings and judgements in assessments. Techniques could include, but are not limited to, pattern and trend analysis, geospatial analysis, network analysis, or others as appropriate to the organisation and its risks.
K9: Understand how to carry out data analysis from a numerical or factual perspective and interpret it, taking account of quantity and quality of data.
K10: How to identify intelligence gaps and opportunities for further analysis such as developing and maintaining an expert level knowledge or expertise to allow considered assessment through interpretation and evaluation.
K11: How to identify a range of relevant and credible information sources and recognise the need to collect new data when necessary from internal and external sources.
K12: How bias can affect judgement, and the dangers it presents if measures are not in place to mitigate this.

S1: Engage with clients appropriately to ensure effective understanding of intelligence tasks and actively monitor ongoing intelligence requirements, engaging with all levels in an organisation, the customer and other interested parties in order to respond to demands.
S2: Recommend what information should be collected based upon identified intelligence gaps, and/or issue requests for information to external organisations to collect or process information.
S3: Identify, review, and interpret significant information, applying organisationally appropriate analytical techniques such as the use of diagnostics (links, patterns, and trends), scenario generation and validating assessments to identify key findings and opportunities for further analysis.
S4: Think critically, through objective analysis and evaluation of an issue, to form a judgement which is unbiased, undistorted and can withstand challenge.
S5: Produce written reports to a high standard as well as confident verbal briefings and presentation of findings, using an appropriate range of methods dependent on factors like audience, available time and the organisation’s culture.
S6: Obtain client views on outcomes so as to feed back into the Intelligence Cycle and enrich the process of collection, processing, dissemination.
S7: Use existing and emerging IT (including digital) applications in the analysis, development and dissemination of intelligence products in line with organisational requirements.
S8: Operate in accordance with applicable security and legislative responsibilities such as applying appropriate audit trails, handling instructions, and protective markings, including the Official Secrets’ Act.
S9: Organise appropriate disposal when working with sensitive materials.

B1: Confident in their ability and have courage of their convictions
B2: Logical with a good attention to detail.
B3: Discreet and trustworthy when working with highly confidential materials.
B4: Open minded, innovative and a problem solver.
B5: Agile, able to adjust rapidly and decisively, especially when operating in complex situations
B6: Persistent and resilient; not all intelligence activity will immediately be successful.
B7: Flexible and understand that there is more than one way of working.

Occupational Progression

This occupational progression map shows technical occupations that have transferable knowledge and skills.

In this map, the focused occupation is highlighted in yellow. The arrows indicate where transferable knowledge and skills exist between two occupations. This map shows some of the strongest progression links between the focused occupation and other occupations.

It is anticipated that individuals would be required to undertake further learning or training to progress to and from occupations. To find out more about an occupation featured in the progression map, including the learning options available, click the occupation.

Progression decisions have been reached by comparing the knowledge and skills statements between occupational standards, combined with individualised learner movement data.

Technical Occupations

Levels 2-3

Higher Technical Occupations

Levels 4-5

Professional Occupations

Levels 6-7

Progression link into focused occupation.

Level 2

This is the focused occupation.

Level 4

Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.
Progression link from focused occupation.

Level 6

Legal, finance and accounting

Protective services