Level 4 -
Checking an organisation's records and procedures to make sure they are accurate and reliable.
Reference: OCC0587
SOC 2020 sub unit groups:
Barclays, Mazars, Moore Stephens, HSBC, BT, JP Morgan, Citibank, Prudential, BAE Systems, Deutche Bank, Hertfordshire County Council, Ageas, Lloyds Bank, Aviva
The role of internal audit departments is to provide an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity to add value and improve an organisation's operations. Internal Audit helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Internal Audit has an enterprise-wide remit and mandate, which means assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of all areas of an organisation including the risk management, compliance and finance functions. Internal Audit is the last line of defence in an organisation and, as such, must remain impartial and independent in how it works alongside all areas of the organisation. IAPracs will be competent in undertaking all aspects of internal audit engagements. They are typically part of an audit team operating under the management of the Internal Audit Professional (IAProf) or Head of Internal Audit. Internal auditor roles will be found in the public, private and voluntary sectors, where the Internal Audit function is acknowledged as a cornerstone of good corporate governance essential to the success of an organisation, as recognised by the UK Corporate Governance Code (or other sector-relevant codes of practice). The profession is overseen by the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (Chartered IIA), which sets out guidance and standards on how the profession should manage itself and deliver internal audit services for organisations.
Checking an organisation's records and procedures to make sure they are accurate and reliable.
Barclays, Mazars, Moore Stephens, HSBC, BT, JP Morgan, Citibank, Prudential, BAE Systems, Deutche Bank, Hertfordshire County Council, Ageas, Lloyds Bank, Aviva
This occupational progression map shows technical occupations that have transferable knowledge and skills.
In this map, the focused occupation is highlighted in yellow. The arrows indicate where transferable knowledge and skills exist between two occupations. This map shows some of the strongest progression links between the focused occupation and other occupations.
It is anticipated that individuals would be required to undertake further learning or training to progress to and from occupations. To find out more about an occupation featured in the progression map, including the learning options available, click the occupation.
Progression decisions have been reached by comparing the knowledge and skills statements between occupational standards, combined with individualised learner movement data.
Legal, finance and accounting