Level 3 -
Ensuring the safe operation and passage of a vessel.
Reference: OCC0621
SOC 2020 sub unit groups:
City Cruises, Port of London Authority, Cory Riverside, Livetts, Uber Boat by Thames Clippers, London Port Health, Thames Marine Services, Woods, S Walsh
This occupation is found in the maritime industry covering a wide range of commercial activity on inland tidal and non-tidal waterways. Boatmasters often navigate vessels through busy and highly challenging waterways. Opportunities in this industry are very wide-ranging, for example a Boatmaster could be the captain of a single vessel tourist boat or could be working for a large freight operator responsible for safely moving freight up the river to a port.
Inland Waterways vessels might typically operate within a limited navigational area based around a standard working day. However regulations also allow the Boatmaster to navigate a limited distance out to sea. Inland waterways vessels come in all shapes and sizes but are usually designed for short riverine or inshore trade, never more than 5 miles from land or 15 miles from the point of arrival and/or departure. Boatmasters are therefore rarely out of sight of land. Vessel types include but are not limited to vessels from the freight and civil engineering sector and passenger boats that carry up to 12 persons on board.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to ensure safe operation and passage of the vessel. A Boatmaster is responsible for, and has command of, commercial passenger or non-passenger (freight and ‘other service’) vessels and all those on board.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with other Boatmasters, crew and any passengers, other vessels and emergency services. Much of their time will be spent on the water. Boatmasters can expect to work outdoors in all weathers. A Boatmaster is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the vessel, ranging from the equipment on-board through to mechanics. The Boatmaster must plan their navigation, handle the vessel and ensure safe mooring/anchoring.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for leading their crew and will report to the vessel owners. Often, there is just one Boatmaster on board but dependent on the type of vessel there can be two or even more Boatmasters present; in these circumstances just one of the Boatmasters will be appointed Captain (in overall charge). Career options are many and varied - depending on how a Boatmaster wants to specialise in future they will need to gain additional "endorsements" (certificates from the MCA) - such endorsements sit outside this Apprenticeship. The KSB's covered in this apprenticeship aim to prepare the candidate for a MCA generic Boatmaster Licence at the appropriate Tier. Specialist operations such as those for a towing or a passenger vessel that carries more than 12 persons on board fall outside this apprenticeship. Important notice: passing the MCA Oral and Practical exams culminate in the MCA award of a Certificate of Competency to practice as a Boatmaster. These exams also form part of the partially integrated approach to End Point Assessment (EPA). These exams must not therefore be completed during the apprenticeship on-programme. All of the remaining mandatory qualifications must be passed by gateway to EPA.
City Cruises, Port of London Authority, Cory Riverside, Livetts, Uber Boat by Thames Clippers, London Port Health, Thames Marine Services, Woods, S Walsh
Manage conformance and maintenance of all equipment onboard and the use of IT management systems
Continuously assess operational conditions, stability, trim, watertight integrity, taking corrective actions as necessary
Prepare the vessel for operation, ensuring function testing of all systems, machinery and equipment to ensure seaworthiness and also ensure sufficient amounts of consumables, spare parts and stores
Maintain effective communications with all parties onboard and ashore.
Comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and with organisational procedures, including completing records as required. Accept the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention in line with the company's SMS
Handle the vessel competently in all conditions that could be encountered on inshore waterways and limited distances to sea
Take charge as Master of a navigational watch, ensuring the safety of the vessel and its crew by taking decisions on navigation, collision avoidance and safe watchkeeping. Continuously monitor and record the safe navigation and operation of the vessel
Ensure that human element is reviewed; including safety and operational culture, equality, and crews are fit to work, competent, well rested and meet operational requirements
Plan and manage the vessel passage plan berth to berth using both digital and paper systems
Ensure all reasonable measures are undertaken and recorded, to prevent pollution of the environment. Work towards methods of sustainability within the workplace.
Implement the safety, quality and environmental protection policy of the company ensuring effective communication with internal and external stakeholders to deliver business objectives
Take charge of a response during an emergency, including communication with emergency services, search and rescue coordinators and crew
This occupational progression map shows technical occupations that have transferable knowledge and skills.
In this map, the focused occupation is highlighted in yellow. The arrows indicate where transferable knowledge and skills exist between two occupations. This map shows some of the strongest progression links between the focused occupation and other occupations.
It is anticipated that individuals would be required to undertake further learning or training to progress to and from occupations. To find out more about an occupation featured in the progression map, including the learning options available, click the occupation.
Progression decisions have been reached by comparing the knowledge and skills statements between occupational standards, combined with individualised learner movement data.
Technical Occupations
Levels 2-3
Higher Technical Occupations
Levels 4-5
Professional Occupations
Levels 6-7
Transport and logistics