K1: Functions of packaging: inform the consumer, contain, protect, promote & preserve the product.
K2: Requirements of packaging: environmental consideration, economical appropriateness and use-ability.
K3: The impact and measures of packaging on the environment and strategies to reduce its impact e.g. reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, energy and water consumption and carbon emissions.
K4: Materials science: properties, testing, applications and interaction with the product; hygiene, odour, migration, corrosion and their impact on product shelf life.
K5: Requirements to manage the storage, transportation and conditions required for packaging and finished goods.
K6: The different types of finished pack testing, including functionality and consumer.
K7: Machinery technologies: different types of filling and packaging performance; collate, form, fill, seal.
K8: Conversion technologies: the process of raw material to end packaging.
K9: The interactions between machine, process, materials and product e.g. coefficient of friction, static.
K10: Line design and the concept of production efficiency.
K11: The principles of budgetary control, cost analysis e.g. costs of goods, total delivered costs.
K12: Customer and consumer requirements throughout the package’s lifecycle.
K13: Principles of marketing as it relates to packaging (4 P’s: place, price, product and promotion).
K14: Legislation and standards relating to packaging, e.g. Packaging Essential Requirements, dangerous goods, packaging waste, good manufacturing practice, labelling.
K15: Value chain analysis and the principles of continuous improvement techniques, e.g. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control), 5S.
K16: Standard packaging formats covering primary, secondary and tertiary, including ancillaries.
K17: The role of quality assurance and control in packaging; the types of quality checks undertaken throughout the lifecycle.
K18: Packaging documentation, including how to write/create and interpret a brief, specification, technical drawing and report.
K19: Printing and decorative technologies and their applications e.g. flexo, litho, gravure and digital.
K20: Artwork, graphics in packaging, including artwork creation and reprographics, how to test colour and finishes.
K21: The principles of packaging design, including structural, functional and inclusive design.
K22: The packaging innovation and development workflow and process including design, prototyping, approvals, translations, timescales, certifications and involvement of stakeholders.
K23: Supplier management, including contractual agreements, procurement, standards for approving suppliers (ethical, quality accreditation, audit), methods of ensuring operational compliance (Key Performance Indicators, scorecards).
K24: The principles of project management, including critical paths, Gantt charts.
K25: Innovation in packaging, including intellectual property, open innovation, scout and horizon scanning, trends and insights, desk research; academic and funding sources to explore new opportunities.
K26: Design for sustainability including the circular economy, life cycle assessment, the range of influences (customer strategies, Government and Non-Governmental Organisations) and practical approaches including source reduction optimisation and eco design guidelines.
K27: The principles of team management e.g. coaching, mentoring, appraisals.
K28: Packaging specific software tools e.g. pallet optimisation software, computer aided design.