Level 4 -
Helping people to address and overcome obstacles to secure employment.
Reference: OCC0663
SOC 2020 sub unit groups:
Seetec Group, Reed in Partnership, APM, Orbit, The Salvation Army, Ingeus, Career Connect, Working Links, PeoplePlus, MAXIMUS People Services/Remploy Ltd, Serco, Belina, G4S - Employment Support Services, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, RBLI, Jobskilla, Clarion Futures, Education Development Trust, Papworth Trust, Intraining/Rathbone
This occupation is found in small, medium or large organisations which sit within any of the public, private or charitable sectors. These organisations will deliver employability support through local and national contracts across different public services such as back to work programmes, careers advice and guidance, housing, probation, health, social care, apprenticeships and skills development.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to work with individuals (service users) who are distanced furthest from the labour market, helping them to address and overcome obstacles to securing suitable and sustainable employment. Employability Practitioners may specialise in working with a specific group of service users and will devise strategies to address and overcome the multiple and complex barriers to employment, and to improve their employability prospects, with the end goal being to find employment or to progress in work if they are already employed. This requires a broad appreciation of the types of public services, community offerings and funding streams available and an understanding of how these fit together so that they can put in place a bespoke plan of support that takes a holistic approach to the whole service user. Employability practitioners will be aware of the growing green economy with the UK Government’s commitment to moving to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and the impact this has for current and future employability needs.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with service users. This can include individuals who have or may have one or more of the following; mental health conditions, physical health conditions, disabilities, generational unemployment, social barriers e.g. lone parenting, addiction or substance misuse, low levels of education/attainment, language barriers i.e. English is not their first language, financial difficulties, ex-forces, ex-offenders, youth unemployment barriers etc. This list is not exhaustive. Employability Practitioners are responsible for safeguarding their services users from abuse and neglect as well as adherence to the Government’s PREVENT strategy which aims to protect vulnerable people from radicalisation and/or extremism. They will also interact with their colleagues, employers who are providing employment to service users, recruitment companies, public services, other community and support organisations that the service user is accessing and other key stakeholders. They will sit within a team of other Employability Practitioners who all report into a Team Manager and will usually work normal working hours however there may be times when they have to work evenings and weekends if any of their service users are employed and need to be contacted outside of these times.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for supporting a caseload of the hardest to help individuals to change behaviours and develop knowledge and skills to improve their employability. All interactions and interventions that the employee has with service users will be recorded and regularly updated on the relevant in-house company computer systems. They will also be responsible for undertaking practitioner development and supporting colleagues through coaching and mentoring. The role will involve gathering data and information through research to make recommendations and inform service delivery through evidence-based improvements. They will also liaise with employers, advocating on a servicer user’s behalf, to find the right opportunity, based on their wants, needs and aspirational employment/career goals. They will be responsible for developing relationships with external stakeholders and to identify business development opportunities for the benefit of the local community and generating referrals of service users. An Employability Practitioner can be based in an office where the service users travel to meet them or equally they can be field based and will meet with service users out in the community in agreed locations.
Seetec Group, Reed in Partnership, APM, Orbit, The Salvation Army, Ingeus, Career Connect, Working Links, PeoplePlus, MAXIMUS People Services/Remploy Ltd, Serco, Belina, G4S - Employment Support Services, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, RBLI, Jobskilla, Clarion Futures, Education Development Trust, Papworth Trust, Intraining/Rathbone
Manage their caseload of challenging and complex cases.
Conduct holistic initial assessments, action plans, job search, job brokerage and other interventions with service users, either face-to-face or remotely, on an individual or group basis, and record them. Evaluate the effectiveness of service user interventions and make improvements where relevant.
Provide information, advice and guidance on employability, careers and local labour market information to service users, employers and colleagues. This may include opportunities to service the green economy in the local labour market.
Signpost services to relevant third-party provision, taking a multi-agency (e.g. mental health services, probation service, police, social care services, health care services, local authorities etc.) and integrated services approach.
Use non-clinical behavioural change techniques with service users.
Coach and mentor both service users and colleagues to support their development.
Provide appropriate in work support to the service user which can then support them to stay and progress in employment.
Identify internal and external networking opportunities for partnership building and establishing working relationships with key stakeholders.
Manage challenging and complicated situations within own level of authority and make recommendations to enable and deliver change to improve service delivery.
Participate in practice development sessions, self-reflection, caseload reviews and observations to support own and others’ development via peer to peer support.
Proactively gather service user feedback, critically analyse it, evaluate the meaning / implications and act upon it. Make recommendations to inform service delivery.
Be responsible for and maintain own continuing professional and personal development, particularly within own specialism such as the labour market needs of the green economy and the move to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Adhere to and apply safeguarding and PREVENT policies, procedures and best practice.
Understand the employability industry including professional standards, welfare benefits, funding systems and key stakeholders.
Adhere to, and support others to adhere to, relevant legislation and company vision, mission, values, policies and procedures.
Promote equality of opportunity, embrace diversity and inclusion.
Meet minimum service levels and adhere to contractual requirements and support others to do so as well.
This occupational progression map shows technical occupations that have transferable knowledge and skills.
In this map, the focused occupation is highlighted in yellow. The arrows indicate where transferable knowledge and skills exist between two occupations. This map shows some of the strongest progression links between the focused occupation and other occupations.
It is anticipated that individuals would be required to undertake further learning or training to progress to and from occupations. To find out more about an occupation featured in the progression map, including the learning options available, click the occupation.
Progression decisions have been reached by comparing the knowledge and skills statements between occupational standards, combined with individualised learner movement data.
Business and administration