Potential occupational standard
Occupational standard in development
Approved occupational standard
Occupational standard without apprenticeship
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Higher Technical Qualification
T Level
Technical Qualification
Career starter apprenticeship
Royal apprenticeship
Occupational progression
Technical education progression
Mid green occupation
Dark green occupation
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home Agriculture, environmental and animal care
Water environment worker - Managing Assets & Responding to Major Incidents in the Water Environment

Water environment worker - Managing Assets & Responding to Major Incidents in the Water Environment

Agriculture, environmental and animal care

Level 3 - Technical Occupation

Maintaining, repairing and carrying out minor works on a variety of water environment assets.

Reference: OCC0767B

Status: assignment_turned_inApproved occupation

Average (median) salary: £36,375 per year

SOC 2020 code: 2151 Conservation professionals

SOC 2020 sub unit groups:

  • 2151/01 Conservationists
  • 2152/02 Environmental and geo-environmental engineers
  • 5119/05 Fish and river keepers

Technical Education Products

Employers involved in creating the standard:

The Environment Agency, Cambridgeshire County Council, National Trust, Waterways Recovery Group and Inland, Waterways Association, Jeremy Benn Associates Limited (t/a JBA Consulting), Somerset Drainage Boards Consortium, Canal and River Trust, Land & Water Group Ltd, EN:Able Futures CIC, AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited


This occupation is found in organisations where there is a responsibility to manage the impact of water environments, natural or manmade, on the land and surrounding businesses and homes. The water environment includes rivers, coasts (the sea), lakes, wetlands, canals and reservoirs. Water can cause erosion to our coasts and riverbanks, damage assets and infrastructure, e.g. canal walls, and create the risk of flooding on both a small and major scale. Flooding can come from multiple sources, including from rivers, the coast, surface water and groundwater, and organisations who work in this area are often involved in preparation, response and recovery following flooding from all sources. There is also a responsibility to protect water quality and to monitor its impact on habitats for wildlife. The prevention of environmental pollution in our waters and wetlands and meeting the objectives outlined in the Water Framework Directive is essential for creating and maintaining natural habitats.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to create a safe environment where the public can enjoy our water environments and the surrounding land and buildings, whilst protecting the environment, and creating habitats for species to thrive. This includes minimising flood and environmental incidents by utilising assets to manage water levels and using techniques to mitigate the impact of pollution, particularly in natural habitats.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with members of the public as they are carrying out their duties in the field. Members of the public can include paying customers as well as the general public making use of towpaths, other public pathways and the water environment. In addition, employees will work with contractors, paid to deliver projects (usually of a construction nature, but may include maintenance), volunteers, who offer time and services to invest in their local environment, and other teams from their organisations.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for delivering their scheduled work activities to time and on budget. Where required, they will be responsible for any plant and equipment supplied to carry out their duties. Whilst part of a team, they may be working alone in the field, and will be required to carry out duties in a safe manner in accordance with their organisation’s health, safety and wellbeing procedures. When not working alone they will be expected to be aware of the safety of others working alongside them, for them, or visiting the area, e.g. contractors, as well as members of the public. As a frontline representative of their organisation they are expected to display their organisation’s values and behaviours and respond to customer queries in a positive manner. They may be responsible for maintaining water levels to mitigate against the effect of flooding.

Employers involved in creating the standard:

The Environment Agency, Cambridgeshire County Council, National Trust, Waterways Recovery Group and Inland, Waterways Association, Jeremy Benn Associates Limited (t/a JBA Consulting), Somerset Drainage Boards Consortium, Canal and River Trust, Land & Water Group Ltd, EN:Able Futures CIC, AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited


Dark Green occupation

Typical job titles include:

Assistant rangers
Field team member
Waterways worker


Animal Care
Land Management

Knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs)

K1: Health safety and wellbeing legislation and organisational responsibilities, standards and risk management, how it applies to their work and how to ensure the safety of others such as contractors, members of the public and volunteers. Safe and environmentally sound operational and maintenance practices, processes and procedures covering a wide range of operational assets, tools, plant and equipment
K2: Additional personal safe working practices, risks and control measures required during unexpected events such as confined space working, working in/near water, hazardous substances
K3: The nature of water environments, tidal variations, locks, culverts & the potential physical hazards of water currents & debris, the impact of weather, and how this affects the assets and how they operate
K4: How their team’s work links to corporate objectives; corporate values, behaviours and ways of working including Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Safeguarding principles
K5: Asset management whole life cycle and how it relates to business activities, how local systems work, the location and types of assets and structures
K6: The right building materials to use (sensitive to local heritage) and the impact of wear and tear to schedule maintenance activities
K7: Importance of business relationships with partners, contractors, stakeholders and communities so that work is completed efficiently and effectively and the importance this has on the reputation of the organisation at a local and national level
K8: Planning for, selecting and operating vehicles/plant suitable for the activity, the site and the ground, watercourse and weather conditions
K9: Different ways work can be funded, and planned, to deliver maximum value for money
K10: Environmental standards, regulations and a range of practices and control measures to minimise risk from biosecurity, waste disposal, cross contamination, and spread of Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) to preserve our natural environment. Impacts of non-native invasive weeds on the watercourses and the impacts on those coming into contact with them
K11: Resources and materials available which support a sustainable approach which minimises environmental impact, for example for habitat creation, soft engineering of water courses. Soft engineering methods for control of water flow/retention, such as in-stream structures, creation of wetland or storage ponds, tree planting and agricultural practices
K12: Who we work with and why; relevant responsibilities of all parties, and the importance of wider team work so that work is completed efficiently, safely and effectively
K13: Specific risks of certain activities and their control measures. Knows timing of work for a range of activities to benefit nature. Key habitats and species likely to be encountered
K14: Working practices that reduce impact to the environment, such as natural or man-made pollution or sediment containment
K15: Ecosystems, key habitats and species likely to be encountered. Recognise habitat characteristics of relevant sites and their management for the benefit of nature. Methods of environmental assessment for different habitats and sites
K16: The broad framework of relevant legislation such as that relating to bird nesting, protected species and permissions for flood risk and land drainage works
K17: The legal requirements around rights of way and public access routes, best practice in design of public access routes. Ability to read and interpret maps and plans, and how to do scale drawings
K18: How to convey organisational messages to influence others, to promote health and safety awareness with the public and stakeholders, and to enhance the business reputation through those conversations
K19: Tools and technology available to use to communicate with a range of people such as social media, e-mail, apps which support your work
K20: Good customer service principles. Understands how to escalate questions appropriately and takes ownership of resolving the enquiry with the customer
K21: Project management principles, including finance, commercial, planning and risk management
K22: Best practice in design of public access routes, such as: path width, surface usability, awareness of overhead and underground services, and ease of maintenance of final asset
K23: Organisation's requirements regarding performance management, including understanding their role and how to write their objectives
K24: How their role fits in within the organisation, how to identify personal areas for development, and how to take action to meet those needs
K25: How to deliver feedback to others to support their development
K26: Understand the Health, Safety and Wellbeing risks in an unfamiliar and emergency working environment. For example different types of river catchment behaviours, the river or tidal factors which cause increased flow and flooding, how manage risks to individuals who are operating assets, and dealing with flooding
K27: Understand personal safe working practices which ensure safety and wellbeing of employees and partners whilst undertaking emergency duties in an unfamiliar location, such as: fatigue management, accommodation issues, dealing with stressful situations
K28: Understand how Water Environment Workers work with other Category 1 responders and our various responsibilities under the CCA (Civil Contingencies Act)
K29: Understand how the asset management programme fits in with national and the organisation’s responsibilities to protect communities from flood risk
K30: Understand how the maintenance schedule is developed, for example be able to explain why some assets are maintained and not others
K31: Understand the range of assets in use and how they contribute to protecting communities, for example from small flap valves to large barriers, sea and river defences and pumping stations

S1: Work safely and effectively, identify hazards, assess risk and comply with internal and external control measures. Dynamically assess risk and challenge unsafe activities when carrying out their duties, for their protection and that of others (e.g. contractors, members of the public), and take the necessary actions to minimise potential risks
S2: Take proactive steps to manage their personal wellbeing, especially when working in high risk environments such lone working, confined spaces, in or near water. Implement lone working device in accordance with own organisation’s procedure.
S3: Communicate HSW controls and safe working systems that are to be followed by you and others when working outdoors, e.g. pre-briefing before work commences
S4: Select and use a range of maintenance tools, plant, equipment and resources so that asset maintenance plans can be delivered in safe manner whilst also protecting the environment, e.g. start-up checks, correct use of plant, etc. taking into account the working conditions and water environment status
S5: Report relevant asset information which contributes to ensuring assets are well maintained in a timely manner
S6: Apply soft engineering principles and practices to reduce erosion and manage stabilisation and safety of shorelines and the area surrounding watercourses, while enhancing habitat, improving aesthetics and saving money
S7: Design, plan and build boundaries and apply sound principles and best environmental practices to preserve the natural environment within the context of the legal framework
S8: Communicate clearly and effectively with the public, land owners, contractors and colleagues to deliver business outcomes, e.g. explaining their work to a landowner, provide feedback to contractors and colleagues to improve ways of working and responding to queries from members of the public. Vary their communication style to fit differing situations e.g. handling a complaint, describing their work
S9: Use technology solutions available to communicate with others internally, e.g. email, social media etc.
S10: Comply with environmental practices and procedures e.g. prevent cross contamination of invasive species, follow sustainability and waste management practices, plan work to adhere to legislation
S11: Operate in a way which reduces pollution of our waterways and land nearby
S12: Manage habitats using a range of specialist techniques such as coppicing, hedge laying, river/ stream bank stabilisation and establishing native plants, using appropriate tools and equipment. This could also include new and developing sustainable practices such as using natural materials to manage excessive rainfall (in constructing leaky dams and bale dams) and subsequently manage erosion and flood damage
S13: Manage vegetation in a range of different situations, for example strimming pathways, using pesticides, managing trees and hedgerows, eradicating invasive species in order to conserve native flora and fauna
S14: Enhance the organisation’s reputation by the way in which they work with contractors and other partners to deliver their work. Promote the work of the organisation in a positive light, referring to others when necessary
S15: Plan and deliver projects using best practice project management techniques, including management of risks and resources, time management and value for money and the natural environment, e.g. work on a river bank could also create a habitat for wildlife
S16: Demonstrate appropriate tool and material selection to carry out their duties safely, taking into account the ground/ working conditions
S17: Adapt working practices to take account of new, improved ways of working, especially with regard to safe working practices, such as new materials available, lessons learned from health and safety incident reviews, and new environmental practices
S18: Work with their line manager to develop their performance objectives and supporting activities. Demonstrate evidence towards achieving their objectives, using their organisation's systems and processes
S19: Actively seek opportunities to develop themselves, seeking feedback from peers, attending training and putting into practice, with evidence-gathering, etc.
S20: Handle media requests for information in accordance with policy and procedures
S21: Work collaboratively, ensuring everyone involved follows safe working practices at all times, such as using safe winching techniques to remove obstructions, and driving four wheel drive vehicles safely off the public highway on agricultural land
S22: Work effectively, safely and sustainably on the local priorities defined by the asset maintenance schedule
S23: Work with other teams to help develop condition assessments and a work programme allied to maintenance standards
S24: Review the impact of the ‘recovery phase’ of incident response and identify when an asset reaches the correct status
S25: Identify work which could improve habitats at the same time as improving assets

B1: Acts as an ambassador of the organisation’s values and behaviours
B2: Seeks out opportunities to create effective change and continuous improvement, such as suggesting ideas for improvements or changes to systems or processes that affect the way you do your job. Reviews ways of working including seeking and providing feedback
B3: Takes personal responsibility for forming effective relationships both internally and externally, with people from a range of diverse backgrounds, to enable delivery of business outcomes. Works with others and contributes to the work of immediate and wider teams. Identifies and addresses the needs of customers, delivers what has been promised and ensures that all outcomes are delivered in a polite, professional manner. Respects the needs, responses and opinions of others
B4: Has sound judgement. Uses evidence and knowledge to support accurate expert decisions and advice. Carefully considers alternative options, implications and risks of decisions
B5: Sets and delivers high work standards, demonstrates the drive to meet targets. Takes responsibility for delivering timely and quality results with focus and drive
B6: Focuses on continuous improvement for self, others and the organisation
B7: Perceives and mitigates risks to themselves and others at all times
B8: Challenges and accepts challenge with regards to safe working practices
B9: Communicates effectively in a range of situations, and with a variety of methods
B10: Continually seeks to develop their professional skills and embed new ways of working for themselves and others


Duty D1

Maintain, repair and carry out minor works on a variety of water environment assets, such as pumping stations, locks, river/ canal banks and coastal flood and erosion defences, using appropriate mobile plant and machinery and minor works to maintain water level, flow and navigation. Identify the location and types of assets and structures within their normal operational area, and explain how local systems/ catchments work

Duty D2

Respond to events that impact upon the environment, homes, businesses, assets or natural habitats (major and minor), e.g. responding to flood events or environmental incidents, including removal of obstructions. Maintain and operate the assets to respond to local flooding or environmental incidents

Duty D3

Work alongside other parties and where necessary co-ordinate their activity, e.g. contractors, partners, volunteers and members of the public. For example, when working together on water environment habitat projects or dealing with incidents

Duty D4

Create, maintain and improve habitats to ensure a natural healthy environment

Duty D5

Deliver project work as specified by their organisation, within remit, on budget and to timescales. For example, creating spawning grounds in rivers and eel passes, and creating access for recreational public use to enjoy the water environment, such as fishing platforms and canoe trails

Duty D6

Plan, prepare and operate in confined spaces e.g. working in culverts and under bridges

Duty D7

Agree and develop their personal performance, objectives and development

Duty D8

Manage water levels and flow effectively to achieve the required conditions, dependent on land use and environmental sensitivities, by mechanically controlling vegetation or materials from the bank, e.g. weed removal, tree trimming, beach management and shingle replenishment

Duty D9

Plan, prepare and construct boundaries and public access routes, including disabled access to encourage safe use of water-related environments, e.g. steps and ramps, footpaths, towpaths and fencing

Duty D10

Construct and maintain drainage systems

Duty D11

Prepare and operate vehicles or waterborne plant, e.g. 4WD vehicles, trailers, winches, weed boats, other powered and non-powered craft and pontoons. Has an understanding of both vehicles and vessels deployed

Duty D12

Respond effectively to major incidents outside of the normal operational area, as part of a national response

Duty D13

Work on asset management, improvement and maintenance programmes with a variety of teams across the organisation, such as planning, strategy, environmental impact experts and biodiversity teams

Occupational Progression

This occupational progression map shows technical occupations that have transferable knowledge and skills.

In this map, the focused occupation is highlighted in yellow. The arrows indicate where transferable knowledge and skills exist between two occupations. This map shows some of the strongest progression links between the focused occupation and other occupations.

It is anticipated that individuals would be required to undertake further learning or training to progress to and from occupations. To find out more about an occupation featured in the progression map, including the learning options available, click the occupation.

Progression decisions have been reached by comparing the knowledge and skills statements between occupational standards, combined with individualised learner movement data.

Technical Occupations

Levels 2-3

Higher Technical Occupations

Levels 4-5

Professional Occupations

Levels 6-7

Progression link into focused occupation.

Level 2

This is the focused occupation.

Level 3

Progression link from focused occupation.

Level 4

Progression link from focused occupation.

Level 6


Agriculture, environmental and animal care