Level 5 -
Work with children who have offended or are at risk of offending.
Reference: OCC0878
SOC 2020 sub unit groups:
Bournemouth LAA Camden LAA Ealing Council Greenwich LAA Hackney LAA Leeds LAA Medway LAA Norfolk County Council Northamptonshire Council Southampton LAA Suffolk Council Wirral Council
This occupation is found in Youth Offending Services within Local Authorities. It is also relevant to practitioners working in voluntary sector organisations providing youth justice interventions.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to work with children who have offended or are at risk of offending, and by using evidence-based interventions promote their desistance from offending or divert them from the youth justice system. (Desistance is the professional term for the process of how someone with a previous pattern of offending comes to abstain from crime. The role is undertaken within a statutory framework specific to children aged 10 – 17 (and occasionally those aged 18) and subject to Standards for Children in the Youth Justice System, set by the Secretary of State for Justice on the advice of the Youth Justice Board (YJB) for England and Wales.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with children up to the age of 17/18 involved in offending or anti-social behaviour. They work with some of the most disadvantaged children in our society who often have multiple and complex needs. They will also interact regularly with families. All youth justice practitioners work within a complex multi-agency and multi-disciplinary context. They will work alongside social workers, probation officers, police officers, youth workers, educational and health staff and with child and adolescent mental health staff in their immediate teams. Youth justice practitioners also work closely with court staff and need to understand how the courts (in particular the Youth Court) operate and specific legislation relevant to children. Youth justice practitioners will need to interact with staff from the secure estate. The secure estate comprises Young Offender Institutions, Secure Training Centres, Secure Children’s Homes and Secure Schools. These are all subject to different legislation and referral criteria, and the roles of care staff working in them will vary. They will also need to interact with staff from other services specific to children – schools and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, for example. Youth justice practitioners in both the community and secure establishments will need to collaborate in order to facilitate children’s resettlement when they are released.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for the effective supervision of children in contact with the youth justice system. Practitioners will function largely autonomously to engage with children, their families and other professionals in order to assess their needs using mandatory YJB tools; develop youth justice intervention plans; and review and monitor progress. The cases they manage are often complex, involving children experiencing mental health difficulties, substance misuse problems and/or special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Many of these children will also be experiencing difficult family situations and face safeguarding issues pertinent to youth justice, e.g. abuse, radicalisation, child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and involvement in gangs. Youth justice practitioners are responsible for making decisions which affect the lives of children that are evidence-based, ethical and defensible. They will also be responsible for promoting the safety and wellbeing of the children they work with; protecting the public and victims of crime; and making rapid risk assessments about their own safety. They will report to an Operational Manager and have formal supervisions to discuss their decision-making and reflect on the outcomes of their work. The amount and regularity of supervision will vary between organisations. Many practitioners will have responsibilities for specific areas of youth justice work – education, intensive supervision and surveillance or substance misuse, for example. They will advise other staff in these areas, carry out additional specialist assessments and lead on new initiatives.
Bournemouth LAA Camden LAA Ealing Council Greenwich LAA Hackney LAA Leeds LAA Medway LAA Norfolk County Council Northamptonshire Council Southampton LAA Suffolk Council Wirral Council
Work with children between the ages of 10 and 17/18 who offend or who are at risk of offending using knowledge of youth justice legislation and corresponding guidance.
Promote resilience and support the positive development of children using in depth knowledge of child and adolescent development, emotional and mental health, and adverse childhood experiences.
Engage positively with children and their families in a manner that balances the dual roles of control and care, sanction and treatment.
Promote desistance from offending using a range of practice skills and strategies (e.g. promoting trust, pro-social modelling and problem solving)
Assess children's needs using tools standardised for and specific to youth justice
Develop, implement and monitor youth justice intervention plans that are linked to outcomes from assessment, evidence based, appropriate to the child’s developmental stage and easily understood by them.
Design and deliver interventions that are informed by the best available evidence of effective programme design and implementation as validated by the Youth Justice Board in their resource and evidence repository
Monitor and review the impact of approaches and interventions and adapt practice accordingly.
Broker access to constructive support and services for children provided by other agencies though the use of social advocacy.
Collaborate and share information with other agencies in order to develop plans that meet a child’s needs.
Undertake specialist, mandatory youth justice assessments that demonstrate the contextual aspects of risk, i.e. risk of what, to whom and circumstances in which risk is likely to be higher/lower.
Manage the risk presented by children in order to reduce future offending, protect the public and the rights of victims.
Minimise the impact of life changes and transitions between services that are specific to children.
Support the resettlement of children when they leave custody and the transition from youth justice services to adult probation providers/adult secure establishments.
Protect the rights of children, reduce disproportionality and promote equality of opportunity within the youth justice system in line with the policy and legislation relevant to the age group.
Promote the safety and wellbeing of children in line with national and local guidance and procedures.
This occupational progression map shows technical occupations that have transferable knowledge and skills.
In this map, the focused occupation is highlighted in yellow. The arrows indicate where transferable knowledge and skills exist between two occupations. This map shows some of the strongest progression links between the focused occupation and other occupations.
It is anticipated that individuals would be required to undertake further learning or training to progress to and from occupations. To find out more about an occupation featured in the progression map, including the learning options available, click the occupation.
Progression decisions have been reached by comparing the knowledge and skills statements between occupational standards, combined with individualised learner movement data.
Technical Occupations
Levels 2-3
Higher Technical Occupations
Levels 4-5
Professional Occupations
Levels 6-7
Care services
Education and early years
Protective services