Level 6 -
Orthoptists see patients of all ages with a wide range of conditions affecting their vision. They are specialists in assessing vision in children and those with communication difficulties.
Reference: OCC1272
British and Irish Orthoptic Society, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle Eye Centre, North Devon Healthcare Trust, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Skills for Health, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, University College London, University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust, University of Liverpool, University of Sheffield
This occupation is found in the health sector working in hospitals, community eye services, schools, adult social care or rehabilitation centres. Orthoptists see patients of all ages with a wide range of conditions affecting their vision. This may be patients with neurological conditions, such as stroke, brain tumours or multiple sclerosis. They are specialists in assessing vision in children and those with communication difficulties. Orthoptists are increasingly using digital skills to carry out their work including tele-consultations. They are an allied health profession and statutorily regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council. They can progress into careers in specialist or advanced practice, research, education and academic posts, clinical leadership and management.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to investigate, diagnose and treat defects in eye movement and problems with how the eyes work together, called binocular vision. Patients may be experiencing symptoms such as blurred, oscillating or double vision. Patients can exhibit outward signs, such as misalignment or uncontrolled movement of the eyes or abnormal head positions. Orthoptists monitor patients conditions and help them manage the visual symptoms of their condition. They also provide advice for visual and general rehabilitation. They are trained to offer a range of treatments in the management or correction of these conditions which may include eye patches, eye exercises, prisms or glasses.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with patients, their families, carers and the wider eye care teams. They may work alongside ophthalmologists, optometrists and with other health, education and adult care professionals including doctors, nurses, school nurses, teachers, and social workers.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for • assessing, interpreting and diagnosing eye position and eye movement disorders • assessing and interpreting a patients visual development • investigating causes of vision and visual field loss • formulating a treatment plan, which might include prescribing an eye patch, eye exercises or the use of prisms • offering advice about lighting and magnification strategies for patients with low vision • running specialist clinics for issues such as glaucoma, strokes and low vision, supporting rehabilitation or monitoring long-term conditions as appropriate • assessing the vision of babies and small children, assessing the vision of children and adults with special needs • spotting serious conditions of which vision problems can be a symptom, such as tumours or multiple sclerosis • managing medicines • referring patients for further tests or investigations • providing information to patients about diagnoses and required treatment • monitoring patients' treatment and condition • undertaking general administrative duties relating to patient care • contributing to service improvement and audit • be aware of public health initiatives • training students on placement and other health professionals, e.g. pre-registration optometry and undergraduate medical students • own continued professional development (CPD) and mandatory training
British and Irish Orthoptic Society, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle Eye Centre, North Devon Healthcare Trust, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Skills for Health, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, University College London, University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust, University of Liverpool, University of Sheffield
Practise safely and effectively within the scope of practice and within the legal and ethical boundaries of the profession.
Look after own health and wellbeing, seeking appropriate support where necessary.
Practise as an autonomous professional, exercising professional judgement.
Practise in a non-discriminatory and inclusive manner recognising the impact of culture, equality and diversity.
Communicate effectively, maintaining confidentiality and records appropriately.
Work appropriately with others.
Reflect on, review and assure the quality of own practice.
Draw on appropriate knowledge and skills to inform practice and apply the key concepts of the knowledge base relevant to the profession.
Establish and maintain a safe practice environment.
Promote public health and prevent ill health.