Level 5 -
Specialist teaching assistants support provision related to special educational needs and disability (SEND), the social and emotional well-being, of learners, or within another area of specialist curriculum provision such as forest schools, EAL, subject-based interventions or music education.
Reference: OCC1414A
Specialist teaching assistant - Curriculum provision specialist teaching assistant
(Level 5)
Academies Enterprise Trust, Academy Transformation Trust, Ambition Institute, Aspiration Academies Trust, Barnsley College, Bridgewater & Taunton College, Central Bedfordshire Council, Church of England Education Office, City & Guilds, Department for Education (DfE), Edsential, Educational and Sporting Futures, ELA Training, Gateshead Council, Ixion, Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education (SCITT), Lift Schools, Manor Green School, NCFE, NQUAL, Norfolk County Council, Northumbria County Council, Northumbria University, Notra Dame High School, Nottingham City Council, Oasis UK, Orange Moon Training, Phoenix Learning and Care Group, Real Group Ltd, Shaw Education Trust, Somerset Skills and Learning, South Devon College, South Gloucestershire and Stroud College, Tarka Learning Partnership, Tykes Teaching Alliance, Unison, TQUK, Walsall College
This occupation is found in primary, secondary, special schools, alternative provision, further education institutions such as sixth forms and colleges, and a range of other education settings such as music hubs. Specialist teaching assistants will work alongside colleagues to inspire learners to progress and achieve well. Specialist teaching assistants work across all age ranges, supporting a range of learners. In the Early Years, specialisms are achieved through continuing professional development opportunities subsequent to staff achieving a recognised qualification which enables them to work in a setting in accordance with the Early Years qualification requirements and standards. Specialist teaching assistants may support provision related to special educational needs and disability (SEND), the social and emotional well-being, of learners, or within another area of specialist curriculum provision such as forest schools, EAL, subject-based interventions or music education.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to support the education of learners by providing specialist support. Specialist teaching assistants plan, implement, and adapt activities in order to advance learning. They draw on research to develop a critical understanding of their specialist area. They establish relationships with learners, families, other professionals and external agencies to support the education of the learners they work with. They contribute to developing a sense of inclusion and belonging for the benefit of the learners within the communities that they serve. They draw on their specialism to contribute to the evaluation of learning and assessment activities, sustainability in their educational context. Specialist teaching assistants both reflect on their own practices and support the training and development of others within their specialist area. They will specialise in one of three options:
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with learners and teachers, or others acting in a supervisory capacity. They may work with other education professionals such as SENCO's, and external agencies such as early help, social services, or agencies that provide specialised support in the area of specialist provision.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for supporting the education of individuals or groups of learners, often identified by their supervisor. They must ensure the safety of the learners in their care. They may have responsibility for supporting the work of colleagues. Within settings where they are undertaking specified work, they will be working under the supervision of a qualified teacher.
Academies Enterprise Trust, Academy Transformation Trust, Ambition Institute, Aspiration Academies Trust, Barnsley College, Bridgewater & Taunton College, Central Bedfordshire Council, Church of England Education Office, City & Guilds, Department for Education (DfE), Edsential, Educational and Sporting Futures, ELA Training, Gateshead Council, Ixion, Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education (SCITT), Lift Schools, Manor Green School, NCFE, NQUAL, Norfolk County Council, Northumbria County Council, Northumbria University, Notra Dame High School, Nottingham City Council, Oasis UK, Orange Moon Training, Phoenix Learning and Care Group, Real Group Ltd, Shaw Education Trust, Somerset Skills and Learning, South Devon College, South Gloucestershire and Stroud College, Tarka Learning Partnership, Tykes Teaching Alliance, Unison, TQUK, Walsall College
Promote positive values and behaviours in relation to equality, equity diversity and inclusion by upholding and applying the aims and ethos of the organisation.
Act in accordance with all statutory and non-statutory frameworks and legislation as appropriate for the organisation and sector
Use specialist knowledge and critical understanding to plan implement, evaluate and adapt activities to advance learning under appropriate supervision for the setting.
Undertake a range of assessment activities, to contribute to and maintain accurate records of progress and identify where it may be appropriate to refer to other professionals.
Under appropriate supervision, plan sequences of teaching informed by a critical understanding of well-established principles in relation to curriculum, assessment and pedagogy,
Establish and develop collaborative relationships with colleagues, other professionals and agencies both within and beyond the organisation.
Provide appropriate information, advice and guidance to support the role of parents and carers in advancing learning.
Work in partnership with colleagues to implement, monitor, and critically evaluate strategies which both maintain a focus on high quality outcomes for all and recognise individual needs.
Under appropriate supervision, create, organise, and maintain resources for the specialist option
Anticipate and manage behaviour including for individuals and groups or classes in order to promote self-regulation and independence in both formal and informal learning situations.
Be a reflective practitioner to improve and advance learning in the specialist option.
Under appropriate supervision contribute to the training and support for colleagues in the specialist option.
Promote positive values and behaviours in relation to learners’ health and well-being.
Support in the dissemination of knowledge and critical understanding of practises, including those that relate to sustainability, diversity, equality, equity, and inclusion.
Under appropriate supervision, drawing on specialist knowledge of curriculum provision, plan, prepare, deliver and evaluate learning and assessment activities including for individuals and groups or classes.
Advocate for children and young people within the curriculum area in order to support learning and progression.