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Green theme maps

Use these green theme maps to identify all occupations that are relevant to a particular green theme that might be of interest to you.

What are the green theme maps?

Green occupations and the standards that describe them are the foundation of apprenticeships and technical qualifications. We classify these occupations as either mid-green or dark green, shown by a leaf symbol on maps. This shows how much they help the UK reach its goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

We've pinpointed important areas, called green themes, and matched occupations to these themes where it makes sense.

Improving how all occupations operate can help the UK meet its environmental goals. But some occupations, like those in offshore wind power, are especially crucial for this.

Building on the Green Jobs Taskforce's work, we've identified these important areas and matched occupations to them. Users can easily see which occupations fit a particular theme they're interested in.

Match your passion for environment and climate change issues by exploring green occupations

Explore the green theme maps

Mid-green occupation

Mid green leaf iconA mid-green occupation will remain the same in overall scope but there might be a need for new knowledge, skills and behaviours to be embedded to enable the use of new technologies and approaches.

Dark-green occupation

Dark green leaf iconA dark green occupation, for example wind turbine engineer, is embedded within the green occupational landscape and delivering sustainable outcomes.