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Occupational maps user guidance

This area includes information and guidance on how you can use the occupational maps in the work you do. This incudes introductory videos, user feature guides and much more ...

What are the occupational maps?

The occupational maps help anyone who has an interest, or is working, in technical education. This includes:

  • Helping people understand the options to train and progress in their careers
  • Showing how occupations at different levels link together
  • Providing workforce and career planning information, including likely salaries

IfATE works with employers to develop and approve:

The maps show how these fit together. They are important because they help everyone, no matter where they come from.

Discover how you can use the occupational maps

The occupational maps are a tool to help you find apprenticeships, T Levels or other qualifications. You can:

Explore occupations in your industry and beyond
You can view over 1050 different occupations on the maps, at all different levels. The maps reflect the very latest from employers, who work with IfATE to keep each apprenticeship, T Level and higher technical qualification up to date. The maps also show where new apprenticeships or other forms of technical training are being developed by employers.

Recruit, or develop staff skills
The maps can support with staff career progression, recruitment and succession planning. You can find more information about what each occupation involves, how employees can move between roles, and how different occupations fit together. This can help provide ideas about the skills you might need in your organisation.

Identify green careers within your business area
The maps show occupations which help meet environmental and climate change goals and the training options for environmental and climate change skills. You can also use the maps to discover occupations that could support you to embed a sustainable culture across your organisation. You can find green occupations using our green careers maps.

The occupational maps are a tool that can support curriculum development. You can:

Develop your curriculum using technical education products designed to meet employer needs
Use the maps to make sure your curriculum is maximising the use of new technical education qualifications. You can view detailed information on our technical education products by going to the product pages. The maps can help you find training opportunities within routes and increase your technical education offer.

Find supporting information to help learners understand their options
The maps can help you at enrolment, careers and employer events. For instance, you could use them to offer advice and guidance to learners to show them where technical education could lead in the future.

Identify green careers for your training offer
The maps use green ratings to show which training options include environmental and climate change skills. This could provide you with ideas for developing training in green industries. 

The occupational maps are a tool to help you find apprenticeships, T Levels or other qualifications. You can:

Keep up to date with the latest from employers
The maps include detailed up-to-date information on over 1050 different occupations. This includes occupations where new apprenticeships or other forms of technical training are being developed by employers.

Develop qualifications
The maps can help you understand and find new technical education products to deliver. They show where employers believe skills are transferrable between occupations.

Identify green careers
The maps use green ratings to show which occupations include environmental and climate change skills. View the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed in each occupation to see what employers are asking for.

The occupational maps are a tool to help you find information on apprenticeships, T Levels or other qualifications. You can:

Support people to understand their career options
The maps can help you to show people what their career could look like either now or in the future. This includes the skills employers consider to be transferrable between occupations.

Promote technical education to people you advise
The maps are a great way for you to promote the benefits of technical education to employers, schools, providers and learners. Please share them far and wide!

Keep up to date with the latest from employers
The maps include detailed up-to-date information on over 1050 different occupations. This includes occupations where new apprenticeships or other forms of technical training are being developed by employers.

Identify green careers
The maps use green ratings to show which occupations include environmental and climate change skills. You can use the maps to advise people on the range of green occupations available across all sectors of the economy. 

The occupational maps are an interactive tool to help you find apprenticeships, T Levels or other qualifications. You can:

Develop your skills and plan your career
You can search for keywords about the career options you're interested in to see occupations which may be suitable. You can then find more information about that occupation and what training options are available to you. The maps can help you to see how these fit together and how a qualification might help you to progress either now or in the future. The maps show how skills can be transferred from one occupation to another.

Understand the latest industry trends
Everything on the maps has been developed by employers and industry experts, so reflects the cutting edge skills employers are looking for today, making it helpful for interview preparation or crafting your CV.

Identify green careers
The maps show occupations which help meet environmental and climate change goals and the technical education available to give you environmental and climate change skills. You can find green occupations using our green careers maps. 

Occupational maps introductory videos

Watch these short 30 second videos to learn more about the maps

If university is not for you then earn while you learn and get ahead through technical education

Find new or career changing opportunities through apprenticeships and technical education

Match your passion for environment and climate change issues by exploring green occupations

Opportunities available to you for an apprenticeship or technical career

Occupational maps user guides

Explore these quick user guides on how to use the occupational maps features

Understand the structure of the maps and find information on occupations and technical education products

Understand how you can view progression options from one occupation to another

Understand how a learner can progress after completing a T Level

Understand how you can favourite occupations and build your own tailored maps

Understand how green occupations that can help the UK achieve net-carbon zero by 2050

Useful links and resources

Get started

  • Click on a route from the home page to discover IfATE’s 15 occupational maps. 
  • Use the search to discover technical occupations. You can search by name, standard code, technical education product, job title or keywords.
  • Explore our green theme maps to discover the range of green occupations.
  • Head to our glossary to learn more about our terms and definitions.  
  • Set up an account so you can start to favourite occupations and build your own maps.