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Find out more about T Level technical education progression

What are T Levels?

T Levels are two-year, technical study programmes. They are designed with employers to give young people the skills that industry needs. They provide a mixture of:

  • Technical knowledge and skills specific to their chosen industry or occupation
  • An industry placement of at least 45 days in their chosen industry or occupation
  • Relevant maths, English and digital skills

What is T Level technical education progression?

T Levels are based on occupational standards and provide a mixture of technical knowledge and skills specific to a chosen industry.

Learners can progress into a range of options including:

  • employment
  • apprenticeships
  • higher and further education (including degrees and HTQs (higher technical qualifications)

T Levels attract UCAS points in line with A Levels to help support progression into higher education.

Many learners will be able to move onto a related apprenticeship at level 4 or above. Other learners might want the opportunity to work in a different or more specialist area. In both cases, the prior learning gained through the completion of a T Level could be taken into account. This may reduce the duration of further training and help identify a learner’s specific training needs.

How do I find T Level technical education profiles?

Within a route map, click on the careers-led filter and select technical education progression to find T Levels with a technical education profile.

Screen shot of technical education filter

On an occupation card, a red circle logo with two chevrons shows there is a technical education progression profile to view.

Screen shot of technical education logo

Opening the occupation card by clicking on the diamond will reveal the link to the technical education profile.

Screen shot of technical education link

What do technical education progression profiles show?

IfATE has worked with employers, training providers and industry experts to identify some of the possible options for each occupational specialism. While the progression profiles show some of the options available, there will be many others. These profiles will evolve as T Levels and occupational standards are updated, and as we continue to engage with employers, providers and industry.

Once you have clicked on a technical education progression link, the focused T Level is highlighted in yellow.

Screen shot of focused T Level

There are arrows and links to show T Level progression options into technical education, education and work.

Screen shots of T Level progression links

Each of these options will be grouped by technical level. There are three levels and each one is represented as a column:

Screen shot of occupational maps level names

You can learn more about qualification levels on GOV.UK

What are the technical education progression options after T Levels?

Technical education progression options after T Levels include apprenticeships and potentially, higher technical qualifications (HTQs). For some apprenticeships, a learner may have covered the content to a high level within their T Level and will not need to complete the apprenticeship.

This is shown as not applicable.

Screen shot of not applicable apprenticeship

The duration of an apprenticeship may also be shortened due to recognised prior learning (RPL).

This is shown as accelerated.

Screen shot of not applicable apprenticeship

Where an apprenticeship is in revision or further work is taking place, a note will be added stating ‘to be confirmed’ and will be updated as soon as possible.

Screen shot of technical education options

What are the other education options after T Level study?

T Levels attract UCAS points in line with three A Levels. The Department for Education has been working with higher education providers to identify options for progression into education and these are shown below under degree options.

Screen shot of degree options

What are the work options after T Level study?

The work section displays some of the career progression options within work roles for a learner. Whilst some roles may be accessed immediately after completing the T Level, others are available following further training and gaining more experience.

Screen shot of career options

Get started

  1. Click on a route from the home page to discover IfATE’s 15 occupational maps. 
  2. Use the search to discover technical occupations. You can search by name, standard code, technical education product, job title or keywords.
  3. Explore our green theme maps to discover the range of green occupations.
  4. Head to our glossary to learn more about our terms and definitions.  
  5. Set up an account so you can start to favourite occupations and build your own maps.